On the pulse of innovation and sustainability: Call for application
From the idea in the shower to the pilot project, from the exchange of experiences at the coffee bar to the next innovation, from the annoyance about shortcomings to the solution, from the vision to broad implementation – at the 36th ÖGUT Environmental Award, we are looking for people and organizations that successfully make their contribution to a climate-friendly, sustainable and future-proof economy and society. The prize money totaling EUR 27,000 is awarded in six categories.
The ÖGUT Environmental Award offers the nominees and award winners the opportunity to present themselves to a broad public, to network and to find cooperation partners.
One of the award categories is Women in Environmental Technology (Sponsor: the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology). Applied environmental research and technology development can benefit enormously from diversity. Diverse teams at all levels generate better, more resilient solutions – also in the field of sustainability! The ÖGUT Environmental Award for “Women in Environmental Technology” is given to female experts in Austria who are role models for careers in this field.
Prize money: 5,000 EUR
The submission deadline: 23 February 2023
Relevant document (in German):
If you have any questions about the ÖGUT Environmental Award, please contact umweltpreis@oegut.at.
If you would like to learn more about other award categories, please click here.