Awards Program

With great pride, Natural Resources Canada and the Equality in Energy Transitions (an initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial) partners with Women in Renewable Energy to present one of the energy industry’s most prestigious awards programs.

The 2024 Equality in Energy Transitions (EIET) Awards honors women and organizations for their leadership, innovation, and dedication in the energy enterprise, including, but not limited to, industry, academia, advocacy, NGOs, government, and research. We invite nominations of women and organizations from anywhere in the world as this award program supports diverse backgrounds and experience levels.

These awards are open to individuals and organizations from around the world, ensuring that exceptional contributions are recognized regardless of location. Nominations are accepted from individuals, associations, universities, industry, professional societies, organizations (nonprofits and for profits), and any other entities working in the energy sector.

Our esteemed panel of judges, composed of industry experts from Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), and the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), will meticulously review each nomination using a comprehensive blind evaluation process. The judging panel is committed to ensuring fairness, impartiality, and transparency throughout the adjudication process.

The Equality in Energy Transitions (EIET) Awards has three categories:

Woman of Distinction Award

This award celebrates extraordinary women in the energy sector who have made significant strides in advancing the roles of underrepresented groups, fostering inclusivity, and demonstrating excellence in their field. These remarkable individuals serve as role models, inspiring future generations of women to pursue careers in the energy sector. Read more

Organizational Leadership Award

The Organizational Leadership Award acknowledges organizations that have demonstrated exceptional commitment to promoting gender diversity and inclusion within their ranks, and innovations in making energy accessible by everyone. These organizations create opportunities for women, implement inclusive policies, challenge industry norms, create technological innovations, and set an example for others to follow. Read more

Emerging Leader Award

The Emerging Leader Award recognizes young leaders, both men and women, who have shown exceptional promise and achievement in their careers. These trailblazers use their influence to uplift women and underrepresented groups, driving positive change and shaping the future of the energy sector. Read more


Applications are open until 1 August 2024, 11:45 PM EDT.

The winners of the 2024 Equality in Energy Transitions Awards will be announced at the 15th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM 15), Brazil, Foz do Iguaçu, Date Oct 1, 2024 to Oct 3, 2024. Please be advised that there is no funding available for awardees to attend the awards ceremony in Brazil.

General Criteria for all Awards

  1. Role Advancement: Nominees should have made significant strides in advancing the roles of women or underrepresented groups in the energy sector.
  2. Significant Contribution: Nominees should have made substantial contributions to the expansion and/or enhancement of the quality of life, either through their individual efforts or as part of an organization.
  3. Excellence in Key Areas: Nominees should demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas:
    • Leadership: Displaying exceptional leadership skills and influencing positive change.
    • Policy and Advocacy: Advocating for policies that promote equality and diversity in the energy sector.
    • Technical Advancement and R&D: Contributing to technical advancements or research and development in the energy sector.
    • Project Development: Leading or contributing significantly to energy-related projects.
    • Community Engagement: Engaging with the community to promote clean energy and sustainability.
    • Promotion/Adoption of Clean Energy Technologies: Promoting the adoption of clean energy technologies and practices.
    • Volunteer Work: Contributing to the energy sector or related causes through volunteer work.
    • Role Model: Serving as an exceptional role model in the energy sector.
  4. Innovation: Nominees should have demonstrated innovative thinking or introduced novel solutions in the energy sector.
  5. Impact: The nominee’s work should have a measurable impact, either directly or indirectly, on promoting diversity and inclusion in the energy sector.
  6. Future Potential: Consideration will also be given to the nominee’s potential for future contributions to the energy sector.

Previous Award Winners & Accolades

No matter what person or organization’s field or contribution to the energy sector, we encourage you to nominate them for our awards program and showcase their impact. We believe that their work is valuable and deserves to be recognized.

The criteria for the energy sector awards prioritize fairness and equality by recognizing individuals and organizations that have made significant strides in advancing the roles of women and underrepresented groups. The awards encompass various fields, from research and development to community engagement, ensuring inclusivity. 

If you are looking for examples of how individuals and organizations have made significant contributions to promoting diversity and inclusion in the energy sector, visit the WiRE past awards winners. Learn about the extraordinary women and organizations who have won these awards in the past and their various accomplishments. 

View past award winners here.