Women in Research and Energy Sector: International Women’s Day Special Edition (BMK)

In celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8th, we extend our recognition to the remarkable contributions made by women in both research and the energy industry. Here, we highlight the expertise and ongoing projects of the BMK Energy Transition Ambassadors, and the first energy pioneer. We explore the latest edition of “Energy Innovation Austria,” and gain insights into diversity and equal opportunities in the energy sector in the podcast by the Austrian Energy Agency.


On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8th, we would like to acknowledge the remarkable contributions of women in research and the energy industry. Therefore, we present experts and current projects. Get to know the BMK Energy Transition Ambassadors and the very first energy pioneer. Read the latest edition of “energy innovation austria” and gain insights into diversity and equal opportunities in the energy industry in the podcast by the Austrian Energy Agency (AEA).


Cover of the magazine energy innovation austria (Lunghammer/TU Graz)

Shaping the Energy Transition: Women in Research and the Energy Industry Lead the Way

Equality and diversity in research and corporations demonstrably lead to more innovation. The new edition of “Energy Innovation Austria” illustrates how women in scientific and technical fields are exceptionally successful in shaping a sustainable energy future, thereby serving as exemplary role models.

Further information


Energy Transition Ambassadors (Equality Initiative)

Video Interviews with the Energy Transition Ambassadors (Equality Initiative)

The ambassadors of the “Equality in Energy Transitions” initiative explain in video interviews why pursuing a career in the energy industry is worthwhile. The engaging conversations with Eva Dvorak (Coordination Office for Energy Communities) and Valerie Reif (Magnus Energy) are already available. Interviews with Michaela Killian (Wien Energie) and Hemma Bieser (OurPower) will be available soon. Please note the videos are in German.

Further information


The team of the Equality Initiative with Livia Willner (AEA)

The team of the Equality Initiative with Livia Willner (AEA)

The energy pioneer, Livia, demonstrates the diversity of a career in the energy industry. Motivating young women for a career in the energy industry is essential, but how? Livia Willner acquaints herself with three renowned organizations in the energy sector as part of the Equality Initiative internship: the Austrian Energy Agency, the BMK, and Wien Energie. She shares her personal experiences through video diaries on social media.

Further information


Podcast of the Austrian Energy Agency with Hemma Bieser (AEA)

Podcast of the Austrian Energy Agency with Hemma Bieser (AEA)

Podcast: Women in the Energy Industry – How do we achieve equal opportunities?
Kerstin Schilcher and Kristina Schubert-Zsilavecz discuss equal opportunities and diversity in the energy industry with Hemma Bieser, board member at OurPower and ambassador of the Equality Initiative, in the podcast of the Austrian Energy Agency. Please note the podcast is in German.

Listen to the podcast