International Ambassadors Program

Equality Initiative Ambassador:
Romina Reyes (she/her)

Romina Reyes (she/her) Ambassador Chile

2022 - 2024
Director of Sustainability, Universidad Andres Bello

Why advancing Women in Energy is so important

Advancing women in energy is crucial for a just, clean and global energy transition. We are facing a significant gender gap in the energy industry, according to IRENA the renewable energy sector employs about 32% of women, however, most of them work in administrative jobs. Women are a fundamental part to speed up low-carbon energy transition in order to meet climate goals. Therefore there is a great opportunity for the energy sector to create a suitable environment for women that will lead to innovation, equal access, social inclusion, and improving governance. Finally, it is relevant to raise awareness and mobilize women in energy globally, so perspective and final outcome will change.

Energy Field

  • Renewable Energy Sources
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Cross-Cutting Technologies


  • University
  • Consultant


  • English
  • Spanish

I'm offering the following support for the Equality Initiative

  • Promote Equality Initiative activities, events, or achievements by speaking publicly and/or privately
  • Participate and/or organize in the Equality Initiative regional, locally arranged, and/or international events or meetings (virtual options included)

I'm offering the following support to female students and professionals transitioning to or starting out in the clean energy field

  • Launch a new and/or join an existing networking or a matching/mentorship program through a virtual platform
  • Offer or promote internships, scholarships, fellowships, job shadowing, or training opportunities
  • Participate in the review and winner selection of the Equality Initiative Awards
  • Provide advice to early career professionals on finding, applying, and receiving job offers or how to "move up" in clean energy, and where possible actively support other women to advance in their careers