Women in Green Hydrogen: In-person breakfast in Berlin

March 28, 2022 – March 28, 2022
09:00 am – 10:30 am
Women in Green Hydrogen

Dear women in Green Hydrogen,

It would be great to see you again! This is why we‘re inviting all our members to an in-person breakfast in Berlin on March 28, 2022. We’re meeting at the Fraunhofer ENIQ center at the EUREF Campus in Berlin. Our event will be part of the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue.

  • Date: Monday, March 28, 2022
  • Time: 09:00-10:30 CET
  • Location: Fraunhofer ENIQ, EUREF Campus 23-24, 10829 Berlin
  • Free event


  • Welcome
  • Coffee and snacks
  • Walk through the Travelling Exhibition „Energy in Transition – Powering Tomorrow“

About the exhibition: Transforming the energy supply to protect the climate and natural resources is one of the greatest challenges facing the worldwide community. For this transformation to succeed, close international cooperation in this area is imperative. The global energy transition has thus become an important field of action in foreign policy and diplomacy that is highly dependent on informed political discourse. As an established energy transition pioneer, Germany has taken on a high-profile role in this debate.

The multi-dimensional aspects, challenges and the potential of a global energy transition are presented in our travelling exhibition “Energy in Transition – Powering Tomorrow”. It shows that the Energiewende is not a short-term project, but one that requires collaboration of a broad set of actors.

The exhibition covers various aspects of the Energiewende:

  • Renewable energies – the switch to renewable sources: How is the energy supply changing? Which new competitors, revolutionary technologies and new players will play a role?
  • Better mobility: How we are using the transport revolution to secure tomorrow’s mobility? Looking at aspects of climate and environmental protection, increasing mobility needs of people and companies, digitization, shared mobility, and multimodality.
  • A just transformation – for all people: How will we make the transformation of energy system fair for all, distribute the burden fairly and improve the living conditions for as many people around the world as possible?

Every element portrays the perspectives of civil society, industry, politics, and science. Additionally, the “Energy Transition Cube” functions as the central element with four interactive screens. This element presents short stories about the energy transition to illustrate the processes and displays the necessary transitions by interacting with touchpoints.