Equal by 30: The Road to Equal Pay, Leadership and Opportunity for Women in the Energy Sector (Invite Only)

February 13, 2024 – February 13, 2024
03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Women currently represent only 32% of the workforce in the global energy sector. With over 200 signatories, the Equal by 30 Campaign is a global movement aimed at proactively addressing this under-representation, working to accelerate equal pay, equal leadership, and equal opportunities for women and all marginalized groups in the energy sector by 2030. In this session, join Parliamentary Secretary Julie Dabrusin and existing and prospective signatories to discuss best practices for increasing inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA) in the workforce. You’ll also have the opportunity to examine your own organization’s progress towards gender equality through a hands-on application of the Equal by 30 Self-Assessment Tool.

To register your interest in attending this invite-only session, click here.